The Tiger Lillies The Tiger Lillies - Go

You were a small child
Your whole life before
A mother and a father
Who you adored
Baby songs and flowers
Every day you grow
Then Jesus came and he said "Go"

You were a teenager
Your whole life before
Your future burning bright
With dreams and goals to score
With teenage songs and fashion trends
Dressing up in clothes
Then Jesus came and he said "Go"

You were in you twenties
Most of you life before
You studied and worked hard
Your future looked assured
But then you drove your car too quick
When you should've drove it slow
Then Jesus came and he said "Go"

You were in your thirties
More than half your life before
A wife, a family, a job
You felt self-assured
Well, you loved art and culture
Music it did flow
Then Jesus came and he said "Go"

Well you were in your forties
In your heart you still felt young
The future still before you
Though solemnly half-sung
So much still to do
Your talent to show
Then Jesus came and said "Go"

Well you were in your fifties
The sun, it still burned bright
Though you start to feel the darkness
Of eternal night
And the candle starts to flicker
And the ending starts to show
And then Jesus came and he said "Go"

Well you were in your sixties
And the autumn leaves the fall
Your grandchildren visit you
On you they do call
You look back on your life
The melancholy grows
Then Jesus comes and says "Go"

Well you were in your seventies
It's time to retire
And now you think another day
And you will expire
So when that fateful day arrives
You can say "Hello!"
When Jesus comes and says "Go"