The Tiger Lillies The Tiger Lillies - Grim Reaper

Well I know it doesn't matter if you're honest or you're fake
And that the grim reaper for each of us does wait
I know that stupid people are the happiest by far
For sensitive intelligent read battered bruised and scarred

But theres something rather pleasing equality it waits
Because in the end we're all food on the grim reapers plate

There are many little stories and dramas we enact
We're all obsessed with our own each action and each fact
Oh to self obsession each one is a whore
But a little self respect sometimes back we can draw

But theres something rather pleasing equality it waits
Because in the end we're all food on the grim reapers plate

Each night upon millions the grim reaper does feast
All those sel obsessed souls self obsession has ceased
Morality is something used to keep the rich rich
If you are excluded you're a thief a pimp a bitch
So my mothe she was right I have reached my happy end
My life is like a library book I no longer need to lend
I'm going to shoot my stepmother then I'll shoot myself
Then this library book can gather dust upon a shelf

But theres something rather pleasing equality it waits
Because in the end we're all food on the grim reapers plate