The Tiger Lillies The Tiger Lillies - The Dreadful Story About Harriet And The Matches

Well it almost makes me cry to tell
What foolish Harriet does befell
Mama and nurse went out one day
And left her all alone to play

Well on the table close at hand
A box of matches chanced to stand
Well mama and nurse had told her
That if she touched them they would scold her

Well Harriet said what a pity
‘Cos when they burn they seem so pretty
They crackle so they spit and flame
Mama and papa do often do the same

So she wouldn't take their advice
She lit a match it was so nice
It crackled so it burnt so clear
Exactly like the picture here

So she jumped for joy and she ran about
And was too pleased to put it out
Well the pussy cats they saw this
They said naughty naughty naughty Miss

Oh miaow miaoh miaow miaoh
She's burning to death we told her so

Well see what a dreadful dreadful thing
The fire has caught her apron string
She burns all over everywhere
She burns her nose and her arms and her hair

‘Til she's got nothing left to lose
Except her little scarlet shoes
And only these only these are found
Amongst her ashes on the ground

Oh miaow miaoh miaow miaoh
She's burnt to death we told her so
Oh miaow miaoh miaow miaoh
She's burnt to death we told her so

The pussy cats they sat beside
Her steaming ashes and they cried
Oh miaow miaoh miaow miaoh
She's burnt to death we told her so
Oh miaow miaoh miaow miaoh
She's burnt to death we told her so