The Tiger Lillies The Tiger Lillies - Twenty-Five Minutes

They're building the gallows outside my cell
I got twenty-five minutes to go
The whole town's waiting to hear me yell
I got twenty-four minutes to go
Well, I tried the governor and the whole damn bunch
I got twenty-three minutes to go
And I tried the mayor, but the mayor's out to lunch
I got twenty-two minutes to go
They've given me beans for my last meal
I got twenty-one minutes to go
Nobody's asked me how I feel
I got twenty minutes to go
Well, the sheriff said he's gonna watch me die
I got nineteen minutes to go
Well, I spit in his face, and I spit in his eye
I got eighteen minutes... to go

Well, the preacher's come to save my soul
I got thirteen minutes to go
Well, he's talking about burning but I feel cold
I got twelve minutes to go
Well, they're testing the trap, it chills my spine
I got eleven minutes to go
Well, the trap and the rope are both working fine
I got ten minutes to go
I'm waiting for the pardon that will set me free
I got nine minutes to go
But nobody's remembered me
I got eight more minutes to go

Well, I've seen the mountains and the sky
I got five minutes to go
And they're so pretty, I don't wanna die
I got four more minutes to go
Well, my feet are in the trap, my neck is in the noose
I got three minutes to go
Oh, will somebody please cut me loose
I got two more minutes to go
Well, I heard the buzzards, I've seen the crows
I got one minute to go
And now I'm swinging, and here I go
I go, I go, I gchchchchcaw